Thursday, August 2, 2007

Time to Get a Dog?

So I've been whining to my friends lately that my kids don't need me anymore. I'm thinking I should maybe get a dog sometime soon. Some little furry thing that is absolutely crazy with excitement when I walk through the door, who can't get enough of me. Sigh.... maybe when I retire. Not sure when that will be. Don't get me wrong, I know the best thing I could ever have done for my kids, other then point them to the Lord, was to train them to be independent! So now they are and I have to sit back and let them be. And I am so very proud of my kids - sometimes I wonder if they know that. They are good, kind, generous and each has a wonderful sense of humor. So maybe one of them hardly ever eats veggies, one of them speaks first and thinks later, and one of them has a bit of a temper, still they're my wonderful kids and I wouldn't trade them for the world! And we're not even going to describe my faults or weaknesses because we'd be here all night. I am truly blessed. I know I am loved and shame on me for ever doubting it.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Empty Nest

I didn't know I was such a control freak, but I am. And that really bothers me! My kids are young adults now, and I thank God that they are smart, responsible and decent people. I seem to have the most trouble letting go of my daughter. Maybe it's because she is the "baby." I hated it when my mother was overly involved in my life, and yet I am doing the same thing to my daughter. So after quite a few confrontations with her I realize how important it is for me to back off. Stop asking so many questions. Stop trying to be involved in her life. BACK OFF. The other 2 kids?? One is in California, and one is about to get married. Guess this is a good time to analyze why do I have a desperate need to be needed? Maybe it's time to get a dog.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

It's not easy being a mother!

But it's the greatest blessing ever! My first pregnancy was a miscarriage. I was 15 weeks pregnant and started to bleed and cramp. As sad and devastated as I was, the Lord gave me such peace. His promise in Psalm 113:9 that He would make "the barren woman a joyful mother of children" gave me hope and strength. Two months later I was pregnant with my first child, and every 2 years after that I had another baby - stopping at 3 children.

Being a mother gives you the chance to do silly things you would otherwise never do - i.e. blow bubbles on the baby's stomach, make wild cooing noises, throw baby up the air and catch him/her.

I have loved every moment of being a mother. The first time one of my children said "I love you" was a moment I wish I could freeze in time.

More later...